Transform Your Social Life With

Less Alcohol: Welcome to The Sober Hedonist Community!

Being sober-curious doesn't have to be boring! Join us if you don't want to sacrifice your health, taste, and experience but are tired of the usual non-alcoholic options.

Who is The Sober Hedonist Community for?

  • Sober-Curious Trendsetters: You're ahead of the curve, and so are we. Discover the no-alcohol movement that's sweeping Gen Z off their feet and unlock your untapped potential.

  • Mixing it up without Limits: For hedonists and foodies looking to incorporate healthier options into their drinking experiences while having fun, no sacrifices required.

  • Break the Family Curse: Grew up amid alcoholism? It's time for a fresh start.

  • Life of the Party, Sans Alcohol: Tired of unhealthy peer pressure? We offer a vibrant community for social butterflies who are done with hangovers.

Why The Sober Hedonist was founded?

The societal "norm" of drinking is a disguised health crisis. The World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that harmful alcohol use plays a role in over 200 different health conditions and is responsible for a staggering 5.3% of all deaths. Even more concerning, if you're between 20–39 years old, alcohol contributes to 13.5% of deaths in this age group. 

Meanwhile, 'mocktail' menus and other alternatives are laughably limited. 

Here, we confront both issues head-on.

Challenge the Drinking Norm &

Elevate Your Choices.

Why Choose Sober-Curious Living?

  • Health Implications: A study shows that reduced alcohol consumption, even briefly, can lead to better sleep, increased concentration, and a 58% lower risk of liver disease.

  • Social Trends: The sober-curious movement is on the rise, with 20% decline in alcohol consumption among Gen Z within the last years. A whopping 70% of them is interested in wellness and exercise, even opting for 'dry' parties to maintain their health goals.

  • Mental Health: Being 'sober-curious' is also impacting mental well-being. Psychological benefits include reduced anxiety and emotional instability.

Get Your Name on the List.

Your Body Will Thank You Later.

Our Irresistible Offerings

Join The Sober Hedonist Community

Mocktail Maven: Get early access to delicious & healthy recipes

Gain exclusive access to culinary wizardry in the form of healthy, delicious mocktails and non-alcoholic drink alternatives, tasting sweet, sour or savory!

Get a Sneak Peak into Our Declious Mocktail Options

The Aphrodite 

Feeling frisky? Activate the god or goddess in you and enjoy a delicious mocktail with ingredients known to be aphrodisiacs.

The Focus Cannon Martini

It's like an Espresso Martini on steroids. This mocktail not only tastes and looks like the real thing; it also helps you maintain your energy levels. Made with bio-hacking ingredients like MCT oil, it aims to enhance your focus and aid in weight loss. Also available as decaf option.

Gin & Tonics

We've created one of the most realistic non-alcoholic imitations in our research: an alcohol-free gin & tonic. Enjoy the full experience with zero regrets.

Book Your Masterclass

Be the Change:

Train your Bar Team

Concious drinking is a trend that is here to stay. Get involved in our initiatives that teach bar staff how to make non-alcoholic beverages that actually taste good and make consumers come back again and again.

Be Curious & Social:

Workshop in Your City

COMING SOON. Become the mixologist of your dreams in a fun, hands-on environment. Perfect for individuals, groups, and team-building events. 

Your Tribe Awaits

Be part of a transformative community of like-minded pioneers.

Join the Waiting List For Exclusive Access

What's Brewing?

Vienna Calling: Soon in Austria

Unique in-person workshops at the heart of Europe's sober bar revolution, featuring a professional mixologist in one of the Vienna-awarded bars.

Stay tuned for more and get on the waiting list to get notified when we launch.

Book of the Month: "The Sober Hedonist Guide"

Unleash joy without the booze! Dive into delicious recipes, master tips on navigating social pressure, and discover how health-boosting ingredients can revolutionize your lifestyle.

This book is the result of a unique collaboration between professional mixologists, nutritionists, and psychologists. It's fortified with scientific research and studies on social behavior, making it your definitive guide to a life of pleasure—minus the alcohol.

Some of our trusted partners:

Great change require great people

To reach even more people, spread our mission, and create a fantastic network of like-minded individuals,
we need people like you to help us.

Become part of the founding-team

Alcohol-Free Drinking 

doesn't have to be

boring anymore!

We're not just an option; we're a lifestyle. 

Say YES to a richer, more meaningful social experience.

Say YES to The Sober Hedonist Community.

Feel that itch to join us?
It's your better life, knocking. Don't keep it waiting.

Get On The Waiting List  For Early Access

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